Special Educational Needs and Disability
SENDCO: Mrs Kirkwood
SEND Governor- Helen Sharples
Contact: 01246 234727
A –Aspiration - Aspire to be the very best we can be;
S – Self esteem- Develop children’s pride, self esteem and respect for themselves and others;
P – Progress - Ensure that our children make progress in a stimulating and inclusive environment;
I – Independence - Give children the opportunity to make choices, question, explore, observe and develop
R –Resilience - Never give up and are resilient to challenge and change
E – Enterprise - Lay the foundations for all of our children to become enterprising young people with high ambitions for the future.
At Spire Nursery and Infant School we aim to provide equality of opportunities for all our pupils.
Children with special educational needs and disabilities are offered full access to a broad, balanced and relevant education. Consideration will be given on an individual basis to identifying and meeting the needs of children with special educational needs and disabilities whilst at the same time removing any barriers to their learning.
You can find out about the Derbyshire Local Offer which provides information about accessing advice and services to support pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities on this site
Useful websites
The following website gives information, free support and advice to parents and carers
Please click on the links below to find out about our SEND offer