PSHE Statement of INTENT
Why do we teach this? Why do we teach it in the way we do?
PSHE is central to giving pupils the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to lead confident, healthy, independent lives and to become informed and responsible British citizens. It underpins our curriculum.
We want all pupils at Spire to recognise their own value, work well with others and become increasingly responsible for their own learning. At Spire, we foster positive attitudes which promote:
- Health and wellbeing – valuing their own identity, managing risks and making safe decisions
- Relationships - respecting difference and diversity, forming effective, fulfilling relationships that are essential to life and learning
- Living in the wider world – contributing to school life and the community
At Spire, our aim is to implement this INTENT through quality first Teaching & Learning.

- Seek out others to share experiences
- Develop some special friendships
- Develop role play ideas with others, initiating play with them
- Names feelings
- Follows routines and expectations
- Responds to needs and wishes of others
- Separates from carers
- Expresses own interests and preferences
- Talks about home / community
- Responds to praise, enjoys responsibility of small tasks

- Managing feelings and behaviour through Jenny Moseley Circle Time
- Talk about feelings and behaviour
- Demonstrate friendly behaviour
- Initiate conversations and listening to other ideas (Philosophy for Children, P4C)
- Confident to speak to others about wants, needs and opinions
- Describe self in positive terms
- Know what makes them unique (similarities & differences)
- Confident to try new activities
- Form good relationships
- Understand actions affect other people
- Take steps to resolve conflict without aggression

- Be Responsible - understand rules, creating and following rules
- Understand differences and Diversity - recognise and respect each other and others opinions. work cooperatively.
- Be Healthy - recognise how to live a healthy lifestyle
- Explore Emotions - recognise emotions, react to our emotions
- Understand bullying is not acceptable, understand the affect of actions
- Understand relationships - discuss important people, understand changing relationships, transition to the next year group
- Participate in Philosophy for Children (P4C)
- Enterprise activities (one event each half-term)
- Participate in healthy living day

- Describe ways to stay healthy
- Understand that some choices have consequences
- Identify strengths and targets (Targets, New Year's Resolutions)
- Recognise and describe feelings
- Identify people who can help
- Understand privacy rights
- Recognise and discuss types of bullying
- Create rules and agree to follow them
- Understand how the local environment can be harmed and protected (Arctic, global warming)
- Money matters - Understand that money comes from different sources (Enterprise)
Curriculum Progression Map
Knowledge and Skills Progression
Barriers to Learning
PSHE Policy