Governors Annual Statement
Governors Annual Statement
September 2022-23
Guidance from the Department for Education requires that Governing Bodies make an annual statement to parents.
As Governors of our school we endeavour to fulfil the role defined by Government supported by the Local Authority. In doing so we hope that we can help to make our school the very best it can be for the benefit of our children, now and in their future.
There are 14 members of the Governing Board, including parents, staff and co opted members with skills which help our decision making. We all meet termly together, and at Committee Meetings to cover Resource and Management issues,and Standards and Curriculum issues. We also visit school and classes to talk to children, staff and parents/carers, and view work the children are involved in.
Our role is intended to be strategic in nature while being a “critical friend” to the Head Teacher and the School Leadership Team who are responsible for the day to day operational running of the school. In reviewing the way the school works, the Governors have gained an enormous respect for all the staff in the school. The amount of effort, care for our children, and “going the extra mile” we see on a regular basis from all our staff, is nothing short of inspirational.
It is not only academic progress that is in evidence , but all the extra things about life at Spire Nursery and Infant school…. Lunch time , the environment, clubs and other activities show what a broad and fulfilling education our children benefit from in our school.
We would like to take this opportunity to give a huge thank you to all our staff for the level of effort and care they contribute to our school.
It is our duty to ensure the school is providing the very best educational experience possible and that your children make excellent progress in their learning whatever their starting points or needs.
Chris Power
Chair of Governors
Spire Nursery & Infant School