Spire Nursery & Infants School

Spire Nursery & Infants School

  • Aspiration
  • Self-esteem
  • Progress
  • Independence
  • Resilience
  • Enterprise
  1. Classes
  2. Squirrels



We would like to offer a warm welcome to Reception at Spire Nursery and Infant School.  For some of you this will be the next step of your journey with us, for others this will be the start of your learning journey at Spire.

Our Reception Unit is made up of two classes: Clever Kingfisher Class and Super Squirrels Class.

Our Reception learning environments are busy, exciting places with lots of interesting things to do. Every class has daily access to both indoor and outdoor learning areas giving the children lots of opportunities to play and develop their skills and understanding. Our learning environments are carefully planned and set up with activities to help us to learn new skills and practice and embed what we have been taught.

 To find out more about our Reception Classes please click here 

During this year we will experience lots of play based learning as well as more structured carpet sessions. We will also take part in forest school activities, balance bike training and we will have the chance to visit some exciting places.

Our PE day will be on a Tuesday, please make sure that your child has a full PE kit in school on this day. We ask that children bring their book bag and water bottle every day. 

Clever Kingfishers Library day will be every Thursday morning. Super Squirrels Library day will be every Tuesday morning. Please make sure children have their library books in their book bag on this day. 

Keep checking on this page for termly newsletters with any important dates and information.

We hope that children and parents enjoy their time in Reception as we learn and grow together!

The Reception Team; Mrs Aitken, Mrs Kirkwood, Miss Shaw, Mrs Lee and Mrs Steventon.


Please see our termly newsletters below.



 Phonics Meeting for Parents - Reception (1).pdfDownload
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