Spire Nursery & Infants School

Spire Nursery & Infants School

  • Aspiration
  • Self-esteem
  • Progress
  • Independence
  • Resilience
  • Enterprise
  1. Curriculum
  2. Religious Education

Religious Education

Religious Education Statement of INTENT

Why do we teach this? Why do we teach it in the way we do?

Religious Education inspires children to reflect on their own beliefs, values and experiences and gain a greater empathy for the beliefs of others. It gives children the knowledge to develop an understanding of how the beliefs and cultural practices of the principle religions around the world shape the lives of people in our local community, our country and other countries.

At Spire, Christianity is the main religion taught in every year group, with a focus on Hinduism in Year One and Islam in Year two. We believe that high-quality lessons should incorporate experiences which help the children to develop their thoughts and understanding, through visitors from different cultures and visits to places of worship.

We teach Religious Education in chunks so that the children have the time and opportunity to compare, review and add to the knowledge, skills and understanding that they gained from previous lessons. Through our approach to the teaching and learning of Religious Education we aim for the children gain the confidence to ask questions and develop respect and open-mindedness towards people of all faiths and none.

At Spire, our aim is to implement this INTENT through quality first Teaching & Learning.



  • Enjoy pictures about themselves and others' families
  • Imitate activities from home / cultural background
  • Similarities between themselves and others
  • Talk about special times and events for friends and family




  • Describe special times
  • Show interest in different ways of life
  • Enjoy joining in with family customs and routines
  • Know about similarities and differences between themselves and others, among families, communities and traditions



  • Introduction to Christianity and Hinduism
  • Read and discuss religious stories, The Creation Story, Rama & Sita, The Good Samaritan
  • Learn about celebrations - Christmas. Easter, Diwali
  • Learn about churches & Hindu Temples
  • Understand why religion is important
  • Recognise Christianity & Hinduism


  • Discuss a range of religious stories and understand their meanings  (Noah's Ark, Nativity and Easter Story)
  • Name and write some facts about a specific celebration (Eid/Ramadan)
  • Identify some religious symbols and know which religion they belong to
  • Name a religion, who they worship and where / when they worship (Islam and Christianity)
  • Name and recognise a religion and understand why it is important to those people (Islam and Christianity)




Curriculum Progression Map
Knowledge and Skills Progression
Barriers to Learning
RE Policy