Spire Nursery & Infants School

Spire Nursery & Infants School

  • Aspiration
  • Self-esteem
  • Progress
  • Independence
  • Resilience
  • Enterprise
  1. Classes
  2. Bumblebees


Welcome to Bumble Bee Class!

In Nursery we put great emphasis on child led activities which encourage the children to explore a wide range of activities and experiences, both inside and outside.

We are very lucky to have a Forest School area which we will be accessing on a weekly basis.
The children will also have Group Time where they will take part in a variety of taught sessions taken from the Early Years Curriculum.

We go out into the outdoor area whatever the weather so ask that children come to school with a suitable coat and footwear every day. During the session the children are offered milk and fruit at snack time but ask that they bring a named water bottle that they can access at any time.

Mrs Wells teaches Monday - Thursday and Mrs Hobot teaches on Fridays.  Miss Day and Mrs Steventon are our wonderful teaching assistants.
We are looking forward to getting to know you and your children and enjoying a busy year of learning together.

 Spring 4 Newsletter.pdfDownload
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 Spring 3 Newsletter.pdfDownload
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